Reason for Cancer
In today's generation Cancer is spreading like a virus. But do you know why it is spreading so fastly? In all age groups, everyone is suffering from cancer. According to Survey, life expectancy is to be not more than the Age of 70 to 80 in cities and states. In every home, someone is suffering from diseases like Blood pressure, Diabities, Heart Problems, Cancer, etc. We don't like to say these things but it's true. Everyone deserves a happy life. There's a reason all behind this and that reason is Chemicals used in food. Various kinds of chemicals using in all food. Companies use harmful preservatives and chemicals in all types of food products whether it is lays , maggie , chips , cold drinks , jam, wheat, moong and even Bajra etc. All farmers use chemicals for growing crops in quantity and decreasing quality. There's hardly left any organic food that's why Organic products is more expensive than Normal food products. Everyone's body's resistance is different some people who have a strong immune system can recover from these problems but on the other hand, some people who had a weak immune system can hardly recover. There's no limit to consuming junk food and packed drinks. So companies use harmful colors, sodium nitrate, high Frutos, poor quality corn syrup, and oil to make these products delicious and fresh. We consume these products for a long time that's why the body's resistance becomes low. I will give you an example in old times farmers use 1 Quilton of wheat seeds and it produces 3 to 5 max Quilton of wheat. It Quality is full of nutrients and protein. But today period of time they use various kinds of chemicals and pesticides that if we use 1 Quilton of wheat, it produces 25 to 30 Quilton of wheat like 10 times from before so it decreases the quality and people suffer. Choose your food products wisely and eat healthy, avoid packed drinks and junk food and make your immune system strong. Stay Healthy and Stay Safe! Use organic products as much as you can!

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