मानव शरीर में मांसाहार करने से क्या होता है ?
"PEACE STARTS ON OUR PLATE" Once upon a time, Mother asked her son to "leave Non-Veg food for life". When they went to Haridwar for 10 days he swear that he will not eat Non-Veg again but after returning back home on the 11th day he cooked an egg in the house. His mom asked "why do you start non veg again "he said, "I left nonveg for Ganga, not for home and we are in our house so I started again". So if he cant leave Nonveg, he has 100 excuses to give, so cant Leave non-veg. Some people don't eat non veg when they keep fast for their Gods and Goddess but in the end, after that, they went to eat nonveg, is it worth worshiping like these? There is a difference between Vegan and Non-Veg animals like Lion and cheetahs also eat other animals but at the same time cow, and zebra only eat fruits and grass and we truly worship cows. So when you adopt nonveg food, your rebirth will be in the animal race(पशु जाती). So Adopt Veg Food for life.

In the end, we want to share a beautiful quote
"If you think that being vegan is hard, imagine being a factory-farmed animal".

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