
Animal Cruelty

Animal Cruelty
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  • Humans and animal have lived together on this planet happily for years. But in recent past animal cruelty is a harsh reality. At some points it’s our carelessness at some point its unknowingly or at some point its intentional from our side. Talking about our homes, we keep pets love them treat them with care and enjoy with them but after some time we get bored and become ignorant, we delay their food, give them less time and sometimes beat them for minor mistakes. Another issue is that people keep pets more than their capacity, they keep too many pets and once they fail to handle them, they either abandon them or give them away to someone which cause pain of separation in animals. Animal looks good in their natural habitat living free enjoying with their groups but capturing them separating them from family at very young age killing them torturing them is not at all right.

  • Let’s have a look in what ways animals are abused and tortured

  • 1. As For food: : If we see around us a considerable amount of population is consuming meat products like chicken, pork, beef etc. but have we ever noticed that is that process in which they reach our home safe secure and clean. If we have a look at individual fields like poultry, chickens are kept in very unhygienic conditions and injected with chemicals to increase their weight. Talking about cattle’s the space they take for animal farms and grazing lands is too much and can be used in other valuable businesses as well.

  • 2. Fashion: : We have seen this thing globally that people peel off tiger or lions’ skin, horn of rhinoceros or elephant and other animal part after illegally poaching them just to hang them on walls, making coats or using them as decorative items at home. These animals become victims of illegal killings and lose their life just for some people to get decorative items. As a result of all these activities these species are getting endangered and many species are already extinct from some parts of world. Beside these wild animal killings there are other animals like cows, buffalo, kangaroos, and lambs whose skin is used to make leather items like belts, shoes and other fashion products. These animals are killed on a massive scale for their skins. Moving on from clothing items there are animals like deer who are being poached for chemicals found in their body used to make perfumes.

  • 3. For entertainment: Even as adults we are indulged in animal cruelty just for sake of entertainment or showing off. We’ve recently came across many videos of people shooting dogs just to make videos or checking range of gun. Also, the tradition of animal fighting’s is very much example of animal cruelty, it includes bull fighting, man vs tiger/ lion or any other animal fighting against each other just for sake of entertainment. Keeping animals in zoo trapped in limited region away from their natural habitat just for people to see them is also animal abuse, and many a times we notice people throwing stones and other things at those animals which is not a good thing.

  • 4. Scientific experiment: scientific experiments related to vaccines, medicines, chemical products for human etc. are firstly carried out on animal samples like hamster, dogs, rabbits and sheep. Many of these trials are carried out in a very inhuman way without proper testing that if they are capable of trials or not. And if the subject loses life in trial, they are dumbed without proper treatment which create a huge chance of disease getting spread in that region where they are dumped. Out of these medicine trials many dangerous trials are also conducted on animals like smoke of cigarettes are given to dogs and monkeys to inhale and check its effects. All these experiment of forced feeding, inhale of toxic fumes, pesticide testing and dripping chemicals into sensitive eyes of young animal subject are very inhuman and should be stopped.

  • 5. Rituals: in this century we see a lot of rituals that include animal sacrifice. Like in many villages of India sheep, buffalos, goat and pigs are beheaded in the name of God. All these bloodsheds, sacrifices and loss of life for God is not at all right. Many people claim that no religion tells to make sacrifice, promote killing or sacrifice someone innocent but still such activities are carried out and no one is doing anything to stop such things.

    Anthony D. Williams said- “Be kind to every kind, not just mankind”
  • So it is an opportunity for us to teach our next generation how to be kind and act like human being by treating every other living being with compassion and love. So we just need to remember that these animals also have family and they live happily, they don’t even have anything to communicate and beg for mercy or complaint. Love them and they’ll love you back.


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Frequently Asked Question

What food do vegetarians eat?

A vegetarian is someone who consumes only grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, and yeast in their diet, either with or without dairy. honey, or eggs. A vegetarian abstains from eating anything made from an animal's body, whether it be alive or dead. This includes any food prepared using as processing aids, as well as meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, insects, and by-products of slaughter.

Are vegans uniformly the same?

No, vegetarians can be classified into a number of groups according to what they eat The most popular type of vegetarian diet is lacto-ovo vegetarianism, which involves eating both dairy products and eggs. While avoiding eggs, lacto vegetarians use dairy products. Vegans abstain from eating dairy, eggs, and any other goods made from animals, Including honey.

Do vegetarians eat fish?

No. Some individuals believe vegetarians consume fish, however this is untrue. A person who prefers to eat meat despite eating a primarily vegetarian diet is not a vegetarian. They are referred to as "pescetarians," which means they consume fish instead of beef or poultry.

Where do I find recipes that are vegetarian?

You only need to Google to find a multitude of delectable suggestions and recipes. If you want a risotto, try searching for "risotto" and "vegetarian," and you'll be inundated with options. Whatever you're seeking for ought to be simple to locate. For additional mouthwatering dish suggestions, you may also visit the website of the Vegetarian Society.

Do vegetarians really need to take vitamin supplements to keep healthy?

No. If you eat meals that are predominantly comprised of vegetables, there is no need for supplements. are well-considered and balanced. These ought to cover all of your dietary requirements. Only vitamin D stands out. All Individuals in the UK, vegetarian or not, are now advised by govemment guidelines on vitamin D, the "sunshine vitamin," to think about taking a daily 10 microgram supplement in the fall and winter due to low sunlight levels. Additionally, all year long. people who avoid the sun or always cover themselves when they do should take a vitamin D supplement.

Do vegetarians really need to take vitamin supplements to keep healthy?

No. If you eat meals that are predominantly comprised of vegetables, there is no need for supplements. are well-considered and balanced. These ought to cover all of your dietary requirements. Only vitamin D stands out. All Individuals in the UK, vegetarian or not, are now advised by govemment guidelines on vitamin D, the "sunshine vitamin," to think about taking a daily 10 microgram supplement in the fall and winter due to low sunlight levels. Additionally, all year long. people who avoid the sun or always cover themselves when they do should take a vitamin D supplement.