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Chickens, animals that face cruelty at a very mass rate on this planet. The amount of suffering and death rate of chicken in farms and factory are truly shocking. Let’s have a broad look at this to know more about chicken crisis that’s arising all over the globe.

Every problem has its own story, its background, causes and effect. At some point of time when any kind of problem arises it looks too small and often gets ignored but then also comes a point when people get aware and look into the matter to resolve it ASAP. Let’s take an example of recent problem that shook us COVID 19. In early stages the COVID cases were ignored and it was taken as normal viral but soon we realized that there was much bigger picture behind it and countries took quick action to control it considering it as a global emergency. The same goes on for poultry animals. The chickens that suffer daily at wide range create a problem in animal welfare. The story of mass suffering may not affect our brains but if we see a single story it will motivate people reason being our brain is built in such a way that it prioritize single story over scale.


    When it comes to chicken meet, globally we use white feathered chicken who barely balance on their feet managing their body weight. They are just 40 days old when they are brought to be slaughtered and served. Its not just that they are too young but the thing is their genetics are being disturbed and they are turned in such a way that they gain a lot of weight that their body can’t handle resulting in heart failure, legs fracture, breathing disabilities, and skin problems.

    Talking about the environment in which they are kept is heart shattering. In their natural habitat they are enjoying and joyful animals but place where they are kept is extremely poor bounding them in very less space as that place is fully stuffed of chicken exceeding the quantity it can contain. Coming to lights, they are kept under harsh artificial light in room packed with thousands of chickens and on the other part they also face darkness in sheds for more than five hours a day.

    As a human if you visit the farm, you’ll see the long carpet of white chicken stacked one over other with foul smell of ammonia that you can barely forget when you come back in fresh air.


If it is possible let’s focus on life of just one chicken in a poultry farm. The congested are in which they live, the amount of sunlight they get, artificial lights, chemicals and other stuff they get injected. Now multiply this by one thousand, the number of chickens in that farm and multiply it further by thousand to get number of chickens in that region. This number keeps on rising further and from that we can realize how painful and suffering life these animals live. As a matter of fact, for every one human there are nine chickens that is totally outnumbering. Also it is unevenly distributed worldwide. In some countries annual consumption of chicken is 40 KG per person. That amounts about 15 chickens.



Every problem has a perfect solution, so for this problem we can offer a solution to better the life of unlimited animals. Also, there’s no need to get something new, solution is right in front of us, simply we can go vegan. We can eat farm grown fresh vegetables which equally fulfils our nutrition requirement. If you can’t quit it quickly try eating healthier chicken and gradually, you’ll feel better moving on to vegan meal entirely. This is a movement taking part worldwide and making a quick progress. Woken people from all demographics are coming forward saying that it’s enough and over 500 companies are now working inn various field to make lives of chicken better.


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You Have Been Hacked By R3DSU
R3DSU - Has Hacked you.


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You Have Been Hacked By R3DSU
R3DSU - Has Hacked you.


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आज के इस वैज्ञानिक युग में बनावटी चमड़ा कृत्रिम दवाइयां और अन्य अनेकों सुविधाएं सर्व सुलभ हो चुकी हैं| प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा की विभिन्न शाखाएं बड़ी लाभदायक सिद्ध हुई है| प्राणी पदार्थ के बिना भी आज का मनुष्य अपना काम चला सकता है, प्राणी वध बंद करने से प्राकृतिक संतुलन सुधरेगा और मांसाहार संबंधित रोग नहीं होंगे| जिसे दवाओं की जरूरत घट जाएगी| हिंसा से निर्मित सौंदर्य पदार्थों को बनाते समय जानवरों के साथ जो अपमान व्यवहार किया जाता है उस पर रोक लगेगी| हम आपसे पूछते हैं कि जब सारे जानवर मार डाले जाएंगे तब इन आवश्यक चीजों की प्राप्ति कहां से होगी?

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मांसाहार का विरोध क्यों किया जाता है?

निशकारण किसी चीज का विरोध करना समय की बर्बादी है| मांसाहार से जुड़ी कुछ बुराइयां है, जो विरोध करने को विवश करती है स्वयं देखिए-

1. जो हरगिस मरना नहीं चाहता, उस असहाय प्राणी को क्रूरता पूर्वक जिंदा काट डाला जाता है|
2. बूचड़खानो में करोड़ों लीटर पानी बर्बाद होता है|
3.प्राणी हिंसा से जलवायु बहुत प्रदूषित होती है|
4. पशु हिंसा से अर्थ तंत्र का भी कत्ल होता है|
5. मांसाहार से भयंकर बीमारियां फैलती है|
6. प्राकृतिक संतुलन बिगड़ता है, इत्यादि|

मांसाहार का प्रचलन बहुत प्राचीन समय से है उसे एकदम कैसे छोड़ दें?

पुरानी वस्तु अच्छी ही हो यह बात नहीं होती यूं तो चोरी, जारी, रहजनी, डकैती, जुआ और वेश्यावृत्ति भी काफी प्राचीन है क्या इन्हें भी अपनाए रहें| हमने कई पुरानी प्रथाओं यथा-सती-प्रथा, पर्दा-प्रथा, देवी दासी प्रथा, दास प्रथा आदि को अनुपयोगी व हानिकारक समझकर नकारा है| 1947 से पूर्व भारत वर्ष में राजतंत्र था, पर उनको समाप्त कर हमने एक स्वतंत्र गणतंत्र की स्थापना की|

अपने खानदानी भोजन को कैसे छोड़ा जा सकता है ?

यदि मनुष्य अपनी खानदानी परंपरा पर हमेशा अटल रहा तो यह तर्क अनुचित नहीं पर ऐसा होता कहां है? मनुष्य स्वार्थवश पुरानी परंपराओं को हमेशा तिलांजलि देता आया है|
उदाहरण देखें:-
1. किसी खानदानी रोग का उपचार मिलने पर कोई मना नहीं करता|
2. खानदानी निर्धन व्यक्ति धनी बन्ना सहर्ष स्वीकार कर लेता है|
3. मधुमेह होने पर खानदानी हलवाई भी मिष्ठान को छोड़ देता है भले ही उसके बाप दादा मिष्ठान प्रेमी रहे हो|
4. अनपढ़ खानदान के लोग भी पढ़ लिखकर होशियार बनना पसंद करते हैं तथा इस पर किसी को भी कोई आपत्ति नहीं होती|
5. किसी के दादा कातिल थे, फिर पिता ने भी एक जान ले ली| इस खानदानी परंपरा को तोड़ना ही सराहनीय प्रयास समझा जाएगा निभाना नहीं|