
Meat vs Disease

Meat vs Disease
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  • Eating meat is harming environment that point is straight and clear but does it harm human health as well? Is eating meat good for humans or it have equally bad effects on human body? So, as we talk about flesh consumption it has worst charge on human body it can create complexities in digestive system, it can cause problems like sugar and Blood Pressure affecting your daily life or it can give you a life-threatening disease as well. Studies conducted by modern scientists worldwide clearly shows that a person consuming meat is more likely to catch diseases like cancer, heart problems, blood pressure and obesity as compared to one who don’t.

  • Cancer: According to reports of World Health Organization (WHO) consumption of meat products like beef, pork, lamb, chicken, pig, bacon etc. are directly causing you cancer. The main cause of this problem is substances that are contained in animal products. Some of them are nitrates, nitrites and amines of different type. These can mainly breast cancer, prostate cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer and lymphoma. So as an alternative why don’t we move to plant-based diet which is full of anti-cancer materials that increase your life spam and fills you with energy and fitness. After looking at all these points its quite clear that lets go vegan and avoid cancer to a large extend.

  • Heart disease: More than a quarter of deaths worldwide are caused by heart issues. All these animal products like meat, eggs etc. are full of cholesterol and fats that gets collected in body and gradually blocks arteries and cause heart issues. Eating meat just a couple of times in week increase risk of heart problems by a high rate. On the other side of coin, we have vegan products that are totally fat free with high content of fiber that rules out excessive fat from our body. It makes proper and regular blood supply in body helping blood cells to reach our heart decreasing chances of heart attack or strokes caused by clotting.


  • Obesity:With no surprise substance that are found in animal product and cause heart problems, fats and cholesterol also cause obesity. But at opposite end plant-based diet results ion low fat consumption and less body mass index. This regular meat consumption makes us excessively over weighted and not only for us but for our future generations as well, being a disease that moves on from one generation to other. So, its curtail that we and our children adopt a health-based diet and take a step against meal that is continuously reducing our life cycle.

    Diabetes: If we take up data of developed nation, one out of every 10 people above age of forty is suffering from type two diabetes. A significant cause behind this is consumption of substance known as haem iron found in meat products. Adopting a diet based on plants can reduce your chance of diabetes by 20-60 percent.

  • Zoonotic diseases: In simple words if we say these are diseases that are transfer from animals to humans. Many major diseases that are spread from viruses and cause epidemics are caused by animals, for example COVID-19, Ebola, swine flu, bird flu etc. Many slaughterhouses, poultry farms, animal farms are home for these diseases to evolve. All these unhealthy and unclean conditions in animal farms along with chemicals given to them are like a ticking bomb for human population that can explode anytime giving us another epidemic outbreak. Those animals are living in such a space that is filled with their waste and unwanted gases like methane and ammonia causing damage to their immune system hence if disease arises in one, in no time it will spread to others and finally reach to out food. As long as we keep on going on this track in no time, we can another pandemic.

  • Hunger

    Some people claim that meat consumption is an alternative for plant diet in order to save environment but that is totally fake. We can easily feed world’s population even if we stop eating meat. In many prospects plant diet is much better in terms of land used, animal diet needed, water usage and chemicals injected in them. For our nutrition need we can easily grow plant-based protein in much less land used for animal grazing. Food varieties related with working on human wellbeing - including entire grains, organic products, vegetables, heartbeats, seeds, and nuts - are among those that have the most minimal natural effect. Picking a plant-based diet is great for our wellbeing, can assist with handling food neediness, safeguards the climate, and forestalls creature languishing.

  • What’s the solution?

    The answer is simple go vegan. Help yourself, other human on planet, environment and more importantly animals. Choose a plant-based diet for sake of billion of animals and human beings who dies of disease caused by animal meat consumption. Hence its upon you either go for vegan diet and live longer with considerably better lifestyle, fitter, heathier and a great feeling. You eat something that cause no suffering to other.



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Phillipemurl September 20th, 2024

Nice topic.

Sunil Kumar June 4th, 2022

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आज के इस वैज्ञानिक युग में बनावटी चमड़ा कृत्रिम दवाइयां और अन्य अनेकों सुविधाएं सर्व सुलभ हो चुकी हैं| प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा की विभिन्न शाखाएं बड़ी लाभदायक सिद्ध हुई है| प्राणी पदार्थ के बिना भी आज का मनुष्य अपना काम चला सकता है, प्राणी वध बंद करने से प्राकृतिक संतुलन सुधरेगा और मांसाहार संबंधित रोग नहीं होंगे| जिसे दवाओं की जरूरत घट जाएगी| हिंसा से निर्मित सौंदर्य पदार्थों को बनाते समय जानवरों के साथ जो अपमान व्यवहार किया जाता है उस पर रोक लगेगी| हम आपसे पूछते हैं कि जब सारे जानवर मार डाले जाएंगे तब इन आवश्यक चीजों की प्राप्ति कहां से होगी?

क्या शाकाहार अपनाने से कसाई की रोजी रोटी नहीं चली जाएगी?

रोजी रोटी कमाने के हजारों तरीके हैं कसाई भी औरों की तरह अपनी आजीविका चला सकता है| प्राणी वध किए बिना उसे भूखा मरना पड़े ऐसा नहीं है, हम शाकाहार का प्रचार करने वाले कसाईओ का अहित नहीं चाहते कुछ संस्थाओं ने हिंसा छोड़ने वालों को आर्थिक सहयोग भी दिया है भलाई की ओर उठाए गए कदम आदमी काल में लाभदायक होते हैं| लॉटरी का धंधा करने वाले से मध्य प्रदेश सरकार की दुश्मनी नहीं थी फिर भी उसे दुष्परिणाम एवं लोगों की भावनाओं का ध्यान रखते हुए उसे बंद करना पड़ा|

मांसाहार का विरोध क्यों किया जाता है?

निशकारण किसी चीज का विरोध करना समय की बर्बादी है| मांसाहार से जुड़ी कुछ बुराइयां है, जो विरोध करने को विवश करती है स्वयं देखिए-

1. जो हरगिस मरना नहीं चाहता, उस असहाय प्राणी को क्रूरता पूर्वक जिंदा काट डाला जाता है|
2. बूचड़खानो में करोड़ों लीटर पानी बर्बाद होता है|
3.प्राणी हिंसा से जलवायु बहुत प्रदूषित होती है|
4. पशु हिंसा से अर्थ तंत्र का भी कत्ल होता है|
5. मांसाहार से भयंकर बीमारियां फैलती है|
6. प्राकृतिक संतुलन बिगड़ता है, इत्यादि|

मांसाहार का प्रचलन बहुत प्राचीन समय से है उसे एकदम कैसे छोड़ दें?

पुरानी वस्तु अच्छी ही हो यह बात नहीं होती यूं तो चोरी, जारी, रहजनी, डकैती, जुआ और वेश्यावृत्ति भी काफी प्राचीन है क्या इन्हें भी अपनाए रहें| हमने कई पुरानी प्रथाओं यथा-सती-प्रथा, पर्दा-प्रथा, देवी दासी प्रथा, दास प्रथा आदि को अनुपयोगी व हानिकारक समझकर नकारा है| 1947 से पूर्व भारत वर्ष में राजतंत्र था, पर उनको समाप्त कर हमने एक स्वतंत्र गणतंत्र की स्थापना की|

अपने खानदानी भोजन को कैसे छोड़ा जा सकता है ?

यदि मनुष्य अपनी खानदानी परंपरा पर हमेशा अटल रहा तो यह तर्क अनुचित नहीं पर ऐसा होता कहां है? मनुष्य स्वार्थवश पुरानी परंपराओं को हमेशा तिलांजलि देता आया है|
उदाहरण देखें:-
1. किसी खानदानी रोग का उपचार मिलने पर कोई मना नहीं करता|
2. खानदानी निर्धन व्यक्ति धनी बन्ना सहर्ष स्वीकार कर लेता है|
3. मधुमेह होने पर खानदानी हलवाई भी मिष्ठान को छोड़ देता है भले ही उसके बाप दादा मिष्ठान प्रेमी रहे हो|
4. अनपढ़ खानदान के लोग भी पढ़ लिखकर होशियार बनना पसंद करते हैं तथा इस पर किसी को भी कोई आपत्ति नहीं होती|
5. किसी के दादा कातिल थे, फिर पिता ने भी एक जान ले ली| इस खानदानी परंपरा को तोड़ना ही सराहनीय प्रयास समझा जाएगा निभाना नहीं|