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24 Reasons to go vegetarian
  • 1. Every year in UK we feed livestock enough food to feed 25,00,00,000 people while 3,00,00,000 people in world die out of starvation.
    2. 20 vegetarians can live in land required by one meat eater.
    3. Intensification of animal farming forced over 10,00,000 people to leave their traditional land, these people land into cities succumb to dietary deficiency, disease, pesticides & other diseases.
    4. UK imports over $4,60,00,000 worth of grain to feed their livestock.
    5. If we continue to clear American forests at same rate to raise cattle, there would be none left after 50 years.
    6. 1 acre can yield 165 lbs. Of beef or 20,000 lbs. Of potatoes.
    7. Pressure on land due to meat farming leads to soil erosion about 6 billion tons in USA only.
    8. Animal farming leads to global warming which is reason behind loss of land as there is rise in sea level.

  • 9. Rain forests are lungs of earth and with their destruction for cattle farming we are reducing capacity to replenish the oxygen supply.
    10. Fertilizers used to grow crop for animal fodder releases nitrogen accountable for 6% of greenhouse effects.
    11. Fertilizers and weed killer sprayed on crop are mixed with air and enter our lungs causing harm to our body.
    12. 25 gallon of water produce 1 lbs. Of wheat whereas 2500 gallon of water produce 1 lbs. Of meat.
    13. Blood waste from slaughterhouse ends up in rivers.
    14. 1 lbs. Of beef take 1 gallon of petrol to produce.
    15. Eating huge quantities of animal flesh, eggs, meats and dairy products is a luxury that majority can't afford.
    16. Nets thrown by fisherman kills ten times many other creatures than expected number of fish they want to get.
    17. Fishes that get caught in nets die a slow death full of pain and agony.
    18. Many hens and other poultry animals are given over diet with chemicals for weight gains leading to fractured bones and virus getting transferred into human when we eat them.
    19. Broiler sheds are lit 23 hours a day to boost artificial growth.
    20. 95% poultry suffer injury and broken bones before getting killed.
    21. Calf leather is obtained by killing living beings that are just 2 weeks old.
    22. Fish contains metals and other pollutant that reaches ocean from farms and enter into our body.
    23. Vegetarians have lower chances of developing gall and kidney stones.
    24. The cling film used to wrap meat contains chemicals related to falling sperm count in men.

How to win argument against meat eater
The Hunger factor:
  • Number of people who die due to malnutrition worldwide is 20 million. Ratio of corn consumption in us by humans and livestock is 1:4. Percentage of protein wasted by cycling grain through livestock is 90%. Percentage of land devoted to meat production worldwide is 56%.

Environment argument
  • Cause of global warming: greenhouse effect
    Cause of greenhouse effect: carbon dioxide and methane released in air. Percentage us topsoil lost due to livestock raising: 85
    Acre of land consumed to cop up with land required for meat centered diet: 260 million.

Health argument
  • Chances of cancer for women who eat egg daily than compared to once a week: 2.8 times.
    Increased risk of breast cancer for women who eat meat daily than those who consume once a week: 3.8 times.
    Increased risk of prostate cancer for man who eat meat, cheese, egg daily vs those who eat once a week or occasionally: 3.6 times.

Ethical Argument:
  • Number of animals killed per hour for meat: 6,60,000 Occupation with highest rate of on-job injury: slaughter houses

Natural resource argument:
  • Gallon of water needed to produce wheat: 25 Gallon of water needed to produce beef in california: 5,000 Percentage of pesticides fed to cattle: 55 Response of european economic community to regular feeding of pesticides to farm animal: ban

Spiritual benefits of vegetarianism
The Mind
  • Bondage and liberation are states of mind. The mind, as a mass of vibrating energy, is limited the constitution or condition of that energy. If the energy is heavy or inert, little can be don it to produce the state of silence and clarity needed to reflect the truth of spirit. Certain elements darken the mind and make it thick or heavy, vibrating very slowly-sometimes seemingly an all. On the other hand, some elements lighten the mind, making it fluid and subtle, vibrating very high level. It is this latter condition that is needed for attaining the state of liberation rather, the state that liberates the spirit from the illusion of bondage and suffering. It is rea mind that becomes liberated, but that liberation also affects the essentially ever-free spirit sets it free. To attain such liberation the mind must be purified and refined, vegetarian die one of the best and strongest means for its purification.

Diet and consciousness
  • Although diet is commonly considered a matter of physical health alone, since the herme principle "as above, so below" is a fundamental truth of the cosmos, diet is a crucial aspect emotional, intellectual, and spiritual development. For diet and consciousness are interrel and purity of diet is an effective aid to purity and clarity of consciousness.
    The purification of our subtler levels depends upon the purification of our physical entity makes sense when we realize that all that goes to constitute a human being is formed of various types, and the only source of energy is that which is brought into the body through sunlight, air, and food. And it is material food that provides by far the greatest amount of energy from which our multilevel complex is shaped.
    When we realize that any physical object has all the levels which we do, namely, the physical bio magnetic, sensory, intellectual and will bodies, we can understand the importance of and quality of food we eat. For not only does the physical substance of the food become assimilated into our physical body, so also do the subtler energies become united to our levels. This is the teaching of the chandogya upanishad: "mind consists of food. That w the subtle part of milk moves upward when the milk is churned and becomes butter. In t manner, the subtle part of the food that is eaten moves upward and becomes mind. Thus, consists of food".
    We cannot get a marble statue from clay, nor can we get wheat bread from barley meal product is still going to consist of the nature of the material started with. So it is with al bodies, gross and subtle. They will reflect the character of the food which has gone int formation.


This need to be spread world wide, nice blog.

Robert Downey Jr. July 14th, 2022

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Frequently Asked Question

What food do vegetarians eat?

A vegetarian is someone who consumes only grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, and yeast in their diet, either with or without dairy. honey, or eggs. A vegetarian abstains from eating anything made from an animal's body, whether it be alive or dead. This includes any food prepared using as processing aids, as well as meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, insects, and by-products of slaughter.

Are vegans uniformly the same?

No, vegetarians can be classified into a number of groups according to what they eat The most popular type of vegetarian diet is lacto-ovo vegetarianism, which involves eating both dairy products and eggs. While avoiding eggs, lacto vegetarians use dairy products. Vegans abstain from eating dairy, eggs, and any other goods made from animals, Including honey.

Do vegetarians eat fish?

No. Some individuals believe vegetarians consume fish, however this is untrue. A person who prefers to eat meat despite eating a primarily vegetarian diet is not a vegetarian. They are referred to as "pescetarians," which means they consume fish instead of beef or poultry.

Where do I find recipes that are vegetarian?

You only need to Google to find a multitude of delectable suggestions and recipes. If you want a risotto, try searching for "risotto" and "vegetarian," and you'll be inundated with options. Whatever you're seeking for ought to be simple to locate. For additional mouthwatering dish suggestions, you may also visit the website of the Vegetarian Society.

Do vegetarians really need to take vitamin supplements to keep healthy?

No. If you eat meals that are predominantly comprised of vegetables, there is no need for supplements. are well-considered and balanced. These ought to cover all of your dietary requirements. Only vitamin D stands out. All Individuals in the UK, vegetarian or not, are now advised by govemment guidelines on vitamin D, the "sunshine vitamin," to think about taking a daily 10 microgram supplement in the fall and winter due to low sunlight levels. Additionally, all year long. people who avoid the sun or always cover themselves when they do should take a vitamin D supplement.

Do vegetarians really need to take vitamin supplements to keep healthy?

No. If you eat meals that are predominantly comprised of vegetables, there is no need for supplements. are well-considered and balanced. These ought to cover all of your dietary requirements. Only vitamin D stands out. All Individuals in the UK, vegetarian or not, are now advised by govemment guidelines on vitamin D, the "sunshine vitamin," to think about taking a daily 10 microgram supplement in the fall and winter due to low sunlight levels. Additionally, all year long. people who avoid the sun or always cover themselves when they do should take a vitamin D supplement.